Results and Lessons Learned AMIF International Knowledge Platform (2022-2024)

After three years running as an AMIF project, the International Knowledge Platform (IKP) will transition into an ongoing activity within the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) in the Netherlands, starting in 2025.

Looking back, these past years have been a period of learning. Through trial and error we have explored the most effective ways to share knowledge about asylum reception internationally.

This two-pager highlights our achievements and provides insights into the lessons we have learned. We will, of course, continue our efforts in international knowledge sharing, including study visits, short-term internships, lunch presentations and an international event coming up in May 2025.

For more information about IKP or questions about collaboration, please feel free to contact us at

Save the date: COA International Knowledge Platform 2024 Event on Labour participation through paid work by applicants for international protection

We are thrilled to announce the 2024 International Event of the International Knowledge Platform, focusing on the theme focusing on the theme of "Labour Participation through Paid Work by applicants for international protection". The event will take place on 17 and 18 April at Congress Centre Antropia in Driebergen, The Netherlands.

Building upon the recently published EMN report, "Integration of Applicants for International Protection in the Labour Market," and the insightful webinar held on October 30th, our aim is to explore action perspectives in supporting and guiding applicants for international protection towards paid work. We are particularly interested in examining inspiring examples from various EU Member States.

Our approach is positive and forward-looking, aiming to showcase successful initiatives and best practices. The event will delve into the international landscape of labour participation by asylum applicants, highlighting both structural and experimental efforts. Despite diverse national contexts, legal frameworks, and reception system structures, we believe that sharing knowledge and experiences can lead to more sustainable results.

The event will focus on action-based perspectives, particularly in guiding reception residents toward paid work, emphasizing asylum seekers whose applications are still under consideration.

Our objectives for this event include:

  • Sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices on paid labour participation with colleagues from various European countries.

  • Establishing contacts and strengthening ties between colleagues from different European countries to stimulate collaboration on highlighted issues.

  • Bring together colleagues from asylum reception facilities throughout Europe in a physical event.

  • Invite speakers from different countries to share knowledge, best practices, and inspiring examples.

  • Organise study visits to asylum reception centres in the Netherlands to allow participants to witness inspiring initiatives implemented at COA and share experiences on the spot

  • Foster follow-up by maintaining contact with colleagues in other countries interested in starting new initiatives.

We look forward to your active participation and contribution to this significant event.

Want to know more? Please feel free to contact us by emailing to

International event on Sustainable Asylum Reception in Europe on June 20th and 21st 2023.

Do we meet you in Breda, the Netherlands or will you participate online?
Will you join the field visit to a sustainable reception center in the Netherlands and get in touch with your European colleagues?

The registration will close on Wednesday June 14th.

 We look forward to welcome you at our event!


International conference on prevention and cooperation in the event of self-destructive behavior among asylum seekers 

Our colleagues of the Central Organization for the Reception of Asylum seekers, the Immigration and Naturalization Service and The Repatriation and Departure Service are organizing an international event about prevention and cooperation in the event of self-destructive behavior among asylum seekers. They’ve formed an Organization wide Incident Team. This team is focused on acting adequately in situations of suicide threat, suicide attempts, hunger or thirst strikes and other self destructive behavior.

They are organizing an inspiring international event with a variety of lectures and workshops on:
June 8th 2023 in The Hague, the Netherlands.

For more information about the conference, find the invitation here.

To apply for the list of invitees, click on the following link:

Submit your best practice

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