News & Documents
On this page you can find various documents on the reception and guidance of asylum seekers, including (links to) reports, articles, research papers, peer-reviewed publications, legal documents, videos and much more.

Digital Goodiebag Event on Labour Participation 2024
Here you will find all documents, presentations and other information shared during the IKP International Event on Labour Participation by Applicants of International Protection on 17 and 18 April 2024 in The Netherlands.

Best Practices from Europe
Name | Type | Size |
best-practice_-coa_-participation-from-day-1 | application/pdf | 649.93 KB |
best-practice_coa_-labour-participation | application/pdf | 398.9 KB |
best-practice_coa_-pilot-project-guidance-towards-work | application/pdf | 185.27 KB |
best-practice_coa_poster-best-practices-policy-framework | application/pdf | 185.59 KB |
best-practice_fedasil_work-buddies-acting-as-a-link-between-residents-of-reception-centres-and-the-labour-market | application/pdf | 164.31 KB |
best-practice_forwardinc_the-digital-entrepreneurship-program-dep | application/pdf | 248.48 KB |
best-practice_g48-and-erc_empowering-women | application/pdf | 104.01 KB |
best-practice_hogeschool-van-utrecht_decent-work-and-inclusive-workplaces-for-asylum-seekers | application/pdf | 95.09 KB |
best-practice_norway | application/pdf | 322.14 KB |
best-practice_unhcr-refugee-work_job-matching | application/pdf | 83.81 KB |
Presentations and Workshops
Name | Type | Size |
presentation_refugeetalenthub_employer-and-asylum-applicant-_-coa__18april2024_def | application/pdf | 3.02 MB |
workshop-_fairwork-and-la-strada_labour-exploitation | application/pdf | 117.9 KB |
workshop-la-strada-fairwork-labourexploitation-what-is-it-and-how-to-recognize-it-among-working-asylum-seekers | application/pdf | 328.68 KB |
workshop_-job-matching_-unhcr-ref-work | application/pdf | 3.13 MB |
workshop_-poland-fundacja-ocalenie | application/pdf | 111.19 KB |
workshop_best-practices-from-spain | application/pdf | 2.08 MB |
workshop_fedasil_guidance-of-applicants-of-international-protection-to-the-labour-market | application/pdf | 4.04 MB |
workshop_hu_-decent-work-and-inclusive-workplaces-for-asylum-seekers | application/pdf | 916.09 KB |
workshop_united-work_from-refugee-to-employee | application/pdf | 688.84 KB |
presentation_emn_research-on-labour-participation | application/pdf | 1.13 MB |
presentation_-plan-einstein-coa | application/pdf | 1.95 MB |
EMN report Integration of applicants for international protection in the labor market (October 2023)
ECRE policy paper The Right to Work for Asylum Applicants in the EU (January 2024)
Report of international IKP event on Labour Participation (April 2024)
Fedasil conference Multistakeholder models in the context of reception of international protection applicants, Brussels, Belgium and online (22 May 2024)
Name | Type | Size |
draftagenda_multistakeholder-models-in-the-context-of-reception-of-international-protection-applicants | application/pdf | 146.46 KB |
logistical-note_expert-conference-multistakeholder-models-in-the-context-of-reception-of-international-protection-applicants | application/pdf | 73.16 KB |
Best Practices from Europe - Video
COA documents
Name | Type | Size |
infographic-eng | application/pdf | 759.12 KB |
infographic-nl | application/pdf | 719.37 KB |
Associate partners
Name | Type | Size |
Name | Type | Size |
ikps-first-year-anniversary-1 | application/pdf | 228.98 KB |